I played an awesome game of AOS with LordBloodTheHungry, subject of a previous blog post warmatale. I am hoping LordBloodTheHungry writes one up from his perspective as well as this will be from my characters perspective, hence the title. His previous story really inspired me to think of these games even more from a character perspective and really humanised his Khorne inspired force for me.
The Key
The key wasn't much to look, a strange old thing that seemed to writhe and fade in his hands before coming back to reality with a pop. It seemed to go hand in hand with this creature he had captured, that 'goblin' that he had only become fully aware of after a particularly distasteful discussion with that d’Jons fellow. This creature smelled the same way that d'Jons did, a sort of sly magical greedy smell.
He was sure that d'Jons was right though. This one was some sort of demon of avarice. The key? Well that was interesting too as he finally learned how it worked. Shanduko had been particularly helpful in the interrogation offering much and demanding little. That itself was uncharacteristic and unnerving. He made a mental note to investigate that later.
The creature could use the key innately but for Hultz a ritual would be required. He could open a portal with the key.
This portal was awesomely painted by our own Lucifer216
He wasn't quite sure where it would go but he did learn at least how to create it without killing himself and the single most important rule associated with it: It led to the object of your greatest affection at that moment but to use it you had to sacrifice your most treasured possession. No wonder the creatures were so effective in using it, they were fickle spiteful things that cared only for the next rush of gold, perhaps never understanding that they sacrificed the last jewel they stole to their patron in pursuing their next one.
First he checked my Endless Spell of Protection*, it would be necessary due to the vulnerabilities created in the ritual. Then he carefully placed the Nine Original planets stolen from the Hurricanum all those years ago. Six of them started glowing purple and three blue. Focus: What did he want, Focus: What would he give up?. Finally the ceremony had begun...
*See Part XVIII, this spell prevents any enemy of Hultz from striking while weak, unaware or vulnerable.